Why Give to Redeemer Online Church?

Our Philosophy of Generosity and What your Money is Used For

Why We Encourage People to Give

Our philosophy of generosity can be boiled down to four motives:

  • Jesus is Generous. We believe Jesus is generous. He gave his life for us. In response we commit ourselves to being generous like Him.
  • Practicing Trust. Throughout scripture the tithe (10%) was set as an amount for God's people to give. It functioned as a way of recognizing that all we have ultimately comes from God. Setting aside a portion to give away on purpose is one way to practice trusting that God will continue to provide all that we need.
  • Learning to Live. Setting aside a portion to give away, on paper, on purpose, ahead of time - is a valuable habit that teaches us to live within our means. Healthy financial habits lead to healthy generosity habits. Generous people tend to live happier lives.
  • All About The Mission. The mission of the Church is to make disciples of all nations, inviting people to become followers of Jesus, to experience his life and love. It takes resources to devote time, energy and effort toward that mission. The efficient yearly cost to disciple a family unit at RedeemerOnline.Church means every dollar you give goes further to help reach people with message and person of Jesus. 

You Are a Generous Person

We believe that most people, including you, want to be a generous person! When you begin to practice setting aside 5%, 10%, or even more of your income to give away, each month - you'll get to experience the joy of that generosity. Start small and grow over time. Look for causes that bless or break your heart. Experience the joy of generosity.

How We Used Money in 2022

It currently costs RedeemerOnline.Church $1,500 USD per year to disciple one family unit. Whether you're single, partnered with no kids, or have many children - the price doesn't go up. In fact, the more people connecting to RedeemerOnline.Church the lower that price gets.

In comparison, physical churches range in cost from $4,400 to $7,100 USD per family unit each year due to large overhead costs such as buildings, mortgages, maintenance and more. This means each dollar you give to RedeemerOnline.Church is able to go that much further in reaching people with the healing and helpful Gospel of Jesus, unhampered by much of that overhead. We believe that the more people learn to live and love like Jesus - the better our families, communities, workplaces and world will be.

In 2022 we spent $75,099 USD on the mission to help the physically scattered to digitally gather and grow as disciples of Jesus. Here's a breakdown of those expenses.

Most of that money came in the form of start up grants from organizations* who were interested in helping us start this digital mission for the first year. In the coming years we will count on the generosity of people like YOU to continue that mission. Just $1,500 USD per year, brings the hope of the gospel - renewal, reconciliation, rejoicing - to another family!